Frequently Asked Questions


I can't connect to the AVADO. What can I do?
My disk is full. What can I do?

If you're running an Execution Client (Geth or Nethermind), chances are that over time the Execution Client has accumulated some junk data and has become "bloated". The easiest solution is to remove and reinstall the Execution Client. By doing so, you will also benefit from the disk space optimizations introduced in the latest versions.

  • Navigate to Geth or Nethermind's Management Page

  • Click Remove to remove the package

  • Go to System menu, and click Disk Cleanup

  • Go to the Dapp Store, locate your Execution Client package, and click Install. Let it resync from scratch. See Syncing the Execution Client to understand the details of the syncing process.

This will reduce the bloat and buy you some time before your disk runs full again.

However, if you have the i7-2TB model, as the blockchain data grows your disk will become full again very soon. AVADO now offers a 4TB upgrade option for the i7. See announcement on AVADO Discord. You can place your order here.

Please note, this upgrade is exclusive to i7 users. The disk is incompatible with other AVADO devices or any Mini PC outside of the i7 model.

My device gets very hot at times. Should I be worried?

The device dissipates its heat through the metal casing and the grill on the top of the device - so it is normal that this area gets hot because of this.

However, during the initial sync of any of the blockchain networks, your box needs to work at 100% CPU capacity for many hours and as a consequence the device can get quite hot.

This is only a temporary situation until the chain is fully synced, and then it will return to a normal CPU load - and temperature.

To protect your AVADO:

  • put a fan on top of the device to cool it down. Any small breeze of air will already cool it down to room temperature.

  • point a desktop fan to the device

  • putting a PC fan on top of it - you can power these using one of the unused USB ports.

See Protect your AVADO for additional measures to protect your device.

Where can I find support?

Sign up to AVADO Discord to join a vibrant community of AVADO users and support specialists. Mint the AVADO NFT to enjoy full access to the Discord channels. See step-by-step instructions here: AVADO Support Community

How do I "raise a ticket"?

On AVADO Discord, navigate to the #new-joiners channel and locate the Ticket Tool. Click Create ticket to start a conversation with AVADO's support specialists. Please note that the team monitoring the tickets is located in Europe. Your timezone might be different.

I had minted the AVADO NFT but I can't find it anymore. Where is it?

It is on the Gnosis (formerly xDAI) chain. You can use the Gnosis Chain Explorer ( to look up your address. Check under the ERC721 Tokens Txns tab, and look for AVADO NODE NFT (AVDO) token.

See The AVADO NFT - FAQ for additional questions and answers relating to the AVADO NFT.

Can I point my Metamask to the AVADO?
I need to move my AVADO to another location. What is the procedure?

If you are simply relocating your AVADO from one place to another, for example when you're moving home, follow these steps:

  • Shut down the AVADO using the System > Shutdown option. Avoid pressing the power button or pulling the plug to forcibly turn the device off. By using the System > Shutdown option, the running DApps will have a chance to gracefully exit in a clean state, minimizing the chance of data corruption.

  • When you're ready, plug in the machine at the new location.

  • The DApps will automatically start and pick up where they left off. There will be a short resync process for the Execution and Consensus Clients to catch up on changes on the blockchain. Monitor the DApps and their Logs to ensure that they are connected to peers, and are syncing smoothly.

What if my AVADO is stolen?

In the unfortunate event of your AVADO being stolen, it is important to be aware of the potential consequences and take appropriate action:

  1. Missing attestations: The perpetrators are unlikely to run your validators, resulting in penalties. If your balance falls below 16 ETH, you will be forced out of the network.

  2. Theft of future Execution Layer rewards: The thieves can change the Fee Recipient Address and steal your tips/MEV-boost rewards (if and when you get a proposal).

  3. Risk of slashing: They can maliciously double attest using your keys, leading to slashing penalties without benefiting themselves.

  4. Potential theft in Rocketpool: If you use Rocketpool, they can steal the coins in your hot wallet.

  5. Security of your 32 ETH stake: Fortunately, they cannot steal your 32 ETH stake if you have already set a withdrawal address and that address remains uncompromised.

To mitigate the situation, follow these steps:

  1. Locate your keystore file(s), or regenerate them from your mnemonic phrase if needed. See here.

  2. Find an alternative means to quickly set up your node again, such as using a replacement machine, someone you trust; or raise a ticket in AVADO Discord for support.

  3. Exit your validator(s) from the alternative setup.

  4. Retrieve your 32 ETH stake to your designated Withdrawal Address.

  5. Move forward and take necessary precautions to enhance the security of your setup.

By following these steps, you can minimize the impact of the theft and continue participating in the network securely.

Ethereum Staking

My validator has stopped attesting. What can I do?
What if I am staking Ethereum and my node goes down? Will I get slashed?


If your validators stop working and miss attestations, you will incur some small penalties. The penalties are small amounts of ETH that are approximately equal to the rewards the validator would have received if they had not missed their duties. For example, the penalties for missed attestations amount to about 5 USD per validator per day (as of April 2024).

Penalties are not the same as "slashing".

Slashing is reserved for more serious offenses. Validators can be slashed for actions such as double signing or other malicious behavior that compromises the security and integrity of the network. Slashing results in a reduction of the validator's stake, typically at the level of 1 ETH.

Missing attestation duties do not result in slashing.

My validators are attesting but says I have low effectiveness. Why?

The Effectiveness is a combined measure of your validator's online presence, correctness, and timeliness, averaged across a recent time period.

If your validators have been offline, the Effectiveness will drop.

If your validators are consistently attesting but demonstrating low Effectiveness, it is often due to larger than usual Inclusion Distances. This is an indication of poor peer connectivity. To improve this situation, you may want to consider Opening Network Ports on your Router. This can help enhance the connectivity and communication between your validators and the network, potentially leading to improved attestation effectiveness.

How can I improve attestation performance?

Given that Attestation Effectiveness is a measure of your validator's online presence, correctness and timeliness, follow the following best-practice guide lines:

  • Utilize a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply): Reduce the risk of disruptions caused by power glitches. See here.

  • Use fast network: Having good and fast peer connectivity is crucial for accurately following the blockchain and producing correct and timely attestations. In the event that a problem occurs and a resync is required, a fast network allows for a much quicker recovery.

  • Ensure proper ventilation: Heat poses a significant threat to SSDs. Overheating can lead to throttling or even complete failure. To prevent such issues, it is recommended to maintain good ventilation for your AVADO. Use a fan all the time to keep it cool. See here.

  • Configure port forwarding: It is essential to set up port forwarding on your router for optimal connectivity. See Opening Network Ports for how to do this. By opening these ports, you enable both inbound and outbound peer connections, enhancing your connectivity and ensuring the ability to follow the blockchain accurately. This improves your chances of making correct and timely attestations.

  • Enable push notifications on the mobile app: This feature ensures that you receive timely alerts for validator events, such as missed attestations or validators going offline. By enabling these notifications, you can avoid extended downtime and promptly address any issues that may arise. See here for detailed instructions.

Where do my validation rewards go?

Refer to the following to understand where your validation rewards go:

I haven't got a proposal for a long time. How can I improve my chance?

From EthStaker Knowledge Base:

It's random

How often a validator receives block proposals, and is selected to be part of a sync committee, is entirely random. As long as you do not see missed proposals, there is absolutely nothing you can do to increase the frequency.

True randomness can feel quite odd. A validator not getting a proposal for 9 months is perfectly normal. A validator getting two proposals in a week is entirely normal. Over a large enough set, this evens out, but for a handful of validators, randomness can indeed feel unsettling.

Is there really nothing I can do?!?

No, it's random. There is nothing you can do to increase your chances at proposals, short of running more validators

Is there a step-by-step guide to switch from Geth to Nethermind?

Here you go:

  1. Remove Geth

  2. Install Nethermind, let it sync. See Syncing the Execution Client - Nethermind to understand the details of the syncing process.

  3. Remember to toggle the Execution Engine setting in your Consensus Client (Teku, Prysm or Nimbus):

How do I switch from Prysm to Teku, or vice versa?
How do I set a Withdrawal Address?

For Solo Stakers:

  • It is best to set the Withdrawal Address at the same time when you generate your staking keys. For detailed instructions, Ethereum Stakers see here, Gnosis Stakers see here.

  • Alternatively, with the 24-word secret recovery phrase, you can set the Withdrawal Address using AVADO's ETH Withdrawal Address Tool. For detailed instructions, Ethereum Stakers see here, Gnosis Stakers see here.

For Rocketpool Stakers:

  • The AVADO Rocketpool DApp will guide you to set the Rocketpool Withdrawal Address during the initial setup. For detailed instructions, see here.

How do I exit my validator?

Refer to the following sections in the Documentation for detailed instructions:

I've lost my keystore files. What can I do?

Last updated