Setting up the ETH Clients


To begin, you need to install both the Execution Client and the Consensus Client on your AVADO machine. These two pieces of software work together to perform your validator duties.

During the initial setup, they will download and process all existing information from the Ethereum blockchain to ensure they have an accurate and up-to-date local copy of the Ethereum state. This process is known as "syncing".

The Consensus Client will need to sync up first, and this is a relative fast process that can complete within an hour. Syncing the Execution Client will take more time, usually a day or two, as it involves downloading and processing a substantial amount of data.

Keep your device cool!

During the initial sync of a blockchain, your system will operate at full capacity for multiple hours. It is crucial to maintain an optimal temperature to prevent any potential heat damage. If you are using the AVADO i7 model, which features a fan-less design with cooling fins, we recommend using a USB fan to provide additional cooling support during this initial sync process. This will help ensure that your system stays cool and operates efficiently throughout the syncing period.

Step 1: Install Execution Client

Choose ONE of the following:

Nethermind is a high-performance, highly configurable Ethereum execution client built on .NET

Navigate to the DappStore and locate the DApp named Nethermind Execution Client and click Install.

After installing the Execution Client, it will automatically start running, but it won't be able to sync until a Consensus Client is installed and synced. This will be our the next step.

Step 2: Install Consensus Client

Choose ONE of the following:

Teku is an open source Ethereum consensus client written in Java.

Navigate to the DappStore and locate the DApp named Teku Consensus Client and click Install.

Introducing Zero Sync mode for Teku! This feature enables validation from a backup Beacon Chain provided by AVADO, eliminating the initial sync wait time and reducing downtime during errors or maintenance. We highly recommend setting up Zero Sync now. Check out Teku Zero Sync for more details.

Step 3: Configure the Consensus Client

At this stage, you'll need to configure the Consensus Client. The configuration options are the same across Teku, Prysm or Nimbus. Please proceed to our guide on Configuring the Consensus Client.

Once you've configured the options, you can continue below to complete the syncing process.

Step 4: Syncing the Consensus Client

The Consensus Client will need to sync up first. Thanks to Checkpoint Sync, the Consensus Clients start with a recently finalized checkpoint state and only need to catch up to the current head of the blockchain. This process is relatively fast, usually taking only a few minutes to no more than an hour.

Please see our detailed guides on the syncing process. These guides will assist you in monitoring and ensuring a smooth progression of the process.

Step 5: Syncing the Execution Client

Syncing the Execution Client is the process by which the it catches up to the latest Ethereum block and synchronizes its global state. It is a time-consuming process, typically taking many hours to a few days depending on your network speed. It's important to be patient during this period.

Please see our detailed guides on the syncing process. These guides will assist you in monitoring and ensuring a smooth progression of the process.

Next Steps

Congratulations for setting up your Ethereum node!

Now that you have the basic infrastructure in place, you can proceed to the actual staking. Choose between your options of Solo Staking, Rocketpool or Stader Staking. Please follow our comprehensive guides for each option:

Happy Staking!

Last updated