AVADO Praise

AVADO uses Praise to build a strong community by fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual support.

Via Avaddin, a chat bot in the Avado Discord channels, you can praise people for helping you. Avaddin keeps track of all “praises” and each month, the people getting praised get a reward (in xDai on the Gnosis chain).

Giving "Praise" is more than expressing gratitude. It also ensures that the user who helped you, gets recognized and rewarded for their contributions. AVADO allocates a budget for this.

Activating your Praise Account

To use "Praise" for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have a browser with a connected wallet (like Metamask).

  2. Type /activate in any AVADO Discord channel and click on activate my account.

  3. You will be redirected to the AVADO Praise Dashboard in your browser. Here, you will need to link your Discord account to an Ethereum address you own. This linked Ethereum address will be used to receive xDAI rewards on the Gnosis chain when you assist other users and receive praise for your help. You can use a fresh address for this purpose.

  4. After linking the address, you will be prompted to sign a message with your wallet. This step completes the linking process between your Discord account and Ethereum address.

(If your account is still not linked after the initial activation, you may need to type /activate again to resolve the issue.)

Giving Praise

To give praise on Discord desktop app, type /praise. A widget will pop up with two boxes. In the "receivers" box type the @ handle of the user you want to give praise to, for example @sponnet. Make sure you start with the @ symbol and choose from the pop-up list of user names. Then in the "reason" box provide a reason for the praise.

A complete praise command will look like:

See more examples of praise: Writing excellent Praise

At the end of each month the praises are analyzed and counted. Once the rewards are calculated, they get distributed in xDai on the Gnosis chain.

You can view the latest praises at https://praise-discord.ava.do/

Last updated