Stader (4 ETH)


Stader is a decentralized staking pool for Ethereum that allows you to start staking with as little as 4 ETH. You will earn ETH and SD tokens by running a Stader validator.

More information:

AVADO to phase out support for Stader

Stader support will fade out over the next two months. If the package needs updates AVADO can do this as far as it does not include changing all of the UI as well.

Sunsetting the DApp means that it keeps running on your devices in the latest version. It will not be possible to start new validators from now on.

Existing Stader users will still be able to run, manage and exit their validators, but please proceed with extreme caution. The UI will show a red warning if there is a discrepancy in the fee recipient of your validators, indicating that you need to change the address asap to the correct address.

If you have 8 or 16 ETH in Stader, we encourage you to use Rocket Pool. In the near future AVADO will have a solution available, where you can invest less than 8 ETH.

(May 2024)

Exiting from Stader Staking

Follow these steps to exit from Stader staking, and reclaim your ETH and SD stakes and any accrued rewards.

Step 1. Initiate the Exit from the Consensus Client and wait for the ETH to be withdrawn from the Beacon Chain

You can initiate validator exit by clicking the Exit button on the Main page of your Consensus Client (e.g. Teku). The process is similar to exiting a solo validator, and will take some time to get through. See this page (Steps 1, 2 and 3) for details of the process.

Once the withdrawal is successful and the validator sweep has happened (validator status becomes exited_withdrawn), the 32 ETH (plus accrued rewards) will be sent to the Beacon Chain withdrawal address, which was set to be the Stader withdraw vault. You can check this address from your validator page on under the Withdrawals tab, and click through to the "Recipient Address".

Step 2. Wait for the ETH to be settled between your validator and the ETHx stakers

  • Every Stader validator has a withdraw vault and when a validator successfully exits, the Beacon Chain withdraws the ETH bond (32 ETH) to the withdraw vault.

  • The Stader node identifies the successful exit and initiates the settlement of funds between the validator and ETHx stakers. The validator receives their share of 4 ETH, and the ETHx stakers receive their share of 28 ETH.

Please note that Stader can process only 20-30 validator exits per day. After the 32 ETH is received in the withdraw vault, the validator will be placed in a settlement pool, and the settlement will occur when it is your validator's turn to be settled. The settlement could take days depending on how many other validators are exiting.

  • You can check that the settlement has happened at your Stader withdraw vault, which is your Beacon Chain withdrawal address, i.e. the "Recipient Address" shown under the Withdrawals tab on your validator page. Click through to this address and check under the Internal Transactions tab. Once settlement has happened, you shall see a group of transactions that splits the 32 ETH (plus accrued rewards) into ~4 ETH and ~28 ETH shares.

Step 3. Claim your 4 ETH stake

  • Once the funds are settled by the Stader node, you shall be able to claim the funds.

  • Make sure you have some ETH in your Stader Hot Wallet to pay for gas, like 0.05 ETH or so. Any excess ETH can be transferred out once you've finished claiming.

  • Go to the Advanced mode tab, and locate the box to "Run a manual Stader API command". Type this: api node claim-rewards and press enter.

  • That should send the 4 ETH (plus accrued rewards) to your Stader Operator Rewards Address, which you provided during the setup. This address is shown on the top-right of the AVADO Stader DApp.

Step 4. Claim any outstanding ETH and SD rewards

Check under Claim Rewards in the Stader DApp menu (near the top of page) to see if there are any ETH and SD rewards to claim. If so, click Claim rewards for all cycles and send to hot wallet to send the ETH rewards and SD rewards, respectively, to your Stader Operator Rewards Address (not to the "hot wallet" despite what it says on the button).

Step 5. Withdraw the SD stake

On the main screen of Stader DApp, there is a button to Withdraw SD, under the deposited SD balance in the right column of the screen. Click this to send the SD stake to your Stader Operator Rewards Address. (The amount is 0 SD in this example; generally it will show your deposited SD balance.)

Step 6. Transfer the residual balance from the Hot Wallet to your own wallet

You may have some excess ETH or SD in your Stader Hot Wallet. The easiest way to retrieve these funds is to import the Hot Wallet into Metamask. Once the Hot Wallet shows up in Metamask, you can send the ETH and SD to another address of your choice just like normal. To do this:

  • Click Advanced mode on the menu and scroll down.

  • Find the button show private key. This will show you the private key of the Hot Wallet.

  • Open Metamask. Click on account selection, then click Add Account.

  • Click Import Account, then paste the private key into the box.

  • Now you have the Hot Wallet account in your Metamask, and you can access the ETH and SD tokens in the account. You can send the ETH and SD tokens to another Ethereum address, as you would normally do.

Once you have withdrawn your ETH and SD stakes, claimed all rewards, and transferred any remaining balance out of your hot wallet, you can safely remove the Stader DApp from the AVADO.

Last updated