Backup and Restore

Backup your Node and Minipools

Every time you have added new minipools to your Rocketpool node, remember to download a copy of the Backup File. The Backup File contains all the information necessary to recreate your node and validators if needed.

Click the Setup tab in AVADO Rocketpool DApp. Then click Download Rocket Pool Data Backup to download the file to your computer.

Depending on your browser, the file will usually be downloaded to your designated "Download" folder on your computer. If your browser, such as Chrome, displays a warning and blocks the file as an "insecure download," click on "Keep" to allow the download.

Once downloaded, you can open the file to view its contents. You will find a data folder, which contains the following:

  • The mnemonic of the node, i.e. the secret recovery phrase to recreate the node wallet and all the validators.

  • The password of the Hot Wallet that you provided during the initial setup. This password is used to encrypt the wallet.

  • The keystore files, along with their corresponding passwords, in specific formats for different consensus clients. The "keys" folder contains the keystore .json files, identified by their pub keys. The "passwords" folder contains the corresponding .txt files that hold the keystore passwords. In this example, there is one validator with a pub key that starts with 0xb953:

Download the Backup File every time you make changes

It's important to note that you should download the Backup File again whenever you make changes to your node or add new minipools. This is because the contents of the Backup File will be updated with the new or additional information. Having an up-to-date Backup File is crucial for confidently restoring your node and minipools.

Keep the Backup File Safe!

It is of utmost importance to keep the Backup File safe and secure! Losing this file could result in losing access to your node and validators.

Remember, anyone who possesses this Backup File can gain control of your wallet. Therefore, handle the backup with utmost care to prevent theft or unauthorized access.

For advanced users, instead of asking the Rocketpool DApp to automatically populate the validators into the Consensus Client, one can manually add the validators using the keystore files and their corresponding passwords. The keystore files and passwords under the "teku" folder are suitable to use for this purpose irrespective of your Consensus Client.

Restore your Node and Minipools

You may need to restore your Rocketpool node, and its minipools and validators, when migrating from one machine or disk to another (for example when upgrading your device). You may also need to do this if there is a problem with the AVADO Rocketpool DApp that necessitates a Reset of the DApp. A Reset will wipe all the data including the node and minipool information, so you will need to restore this information from the Backup File.

Follow these steps to restore your node and all its minipools and validators:

  1. Go to the Admin page of AVADO Rocketpool DApp. You can find the link to the Admin page on the far right-hand side of the menu bar. If you are using a phone or tablet, or a browser with a narrow window, the menu may be "hidden". Look for a button that has three horizontal lines on the right-hand side of the screen. Click to expand it. The expanded sub-menu will be on the left-hand side of the screen (you may need to scroll across to see it).

  1. On the Admin Page, locate the Backup and Restore panel. Click the Restore tab (it may be a bit obscure) to reveal the option for restoring a backup.

  2. Click Choose File to upload the correct file from your computer.

  1. After uploading the Backup File, a button appears for you to Restart Node. Click this to restart the Rocketpool DApp.

  2. Follow the prompts to restore the node and the minipools. Rocketpool DApp will guide you to add your validators to your Consensus Client, similar to the step described here. In addition, the Rocketpool DApp will prompt you to correct the Fee Recipient addresses of the validators to the Smoothing Pool address, similar to the step mentioned here.

Once you have completed these steps, your entire node, hot wallet, minipool, and validators should be successfully restored on your AVADO device.

Last updated